
Beeswax Ear Cone Candles by the pack of 25 units (EC)

100% Beeswax Ear Candles! Purchasing by the pair or case.


Beeswax Ear Cone Candles by the pack of 25 units (EC)

Ingredients: 100% pure beeswax with 100% unbleached muslin.

Candle Size: 11″ Length x 3/8” Width

Case Size: 25 units

Burn Time:  10 minutes per ear.

Candle Code: EC

These ear cone candles are not a medical device. They are a novelty product. No claim is made for any cure of any disease or ailment. User must assume full responsibility for use of these candles. Once opening this package and using the candles you are assuming responsibility. Manufacturers, sellers or ear candle practitioners are not liable for any claims, costs or damages resulting from the use of these ear cone candles. They are not intended to replace professional medical advice.

What is Ear Candling?

Ear Candling is a non-invasive home remedy to clean ears and remove excess ear wax. The hollow ear cone candle is inserted into the external ear canal. The candle is lit at the opposite end. This creates a low-level vacuum that draws ear wax into the hollow candle. After the procedure, a dark, orange waxy substance is usually left in the stub of the candle.

It is a normally painless, harmless and totally relaxing experience. If you feel discomfort immediately stop the ear candling treatment. If you have any serious medical problems do not ear candle this must be addressed & referred to by a medical doctor. The treatment lasts about 10 minutes per ear. Almost everyone from infants to adults can benefit from ear candling. Many people find it to be a satisfying relaxing procedure and assist them in feeling better.

What are the benefits of Ear Candling?

  • Removal of ear wax build-up and debris from the ear canal
  • Relief of pressure in cases of sinusitis, chronic headaches, migraines, congestion, allergies and ear infection, “swimmer’s ear”.
  • Reports of subtle changes in energy flow
  • Un-blockage of impacted cerumen (ear wax)
  • Clients report improvements in hearing and breathing
  • Relief from vertigo or dizziness
  • Relief from tinnitus or head noises
  • Helps hearing aids function more efficiently by cleaning ear canal
  • May improve hearing, smell, taste and vision and assist in detoxifying the sinus and lymph system.

Our Ear Candles:

  • Our Ear candles are hand-crafted with care in the heart of the Okanagan, made from 100% pure Canadian bee’s wax.
  • No petroleum products (paraffin) has been used in the manufacturing of this product.
  • The fabric is 100% pure, unbleached, muslin cotton.
  • Only the highest quality materials are used.
  • All candles have a light exterior coat of beeswax.
  • The inside of the candle is dry to the touch. This allows the ear wax that is drawn-up with the smoke to stick to the walls of the candle.
  • Candles are ½ inches in diameter and 12 inches long, tapered at the end for a snug fit into the ear.
  • Dimensions slightly vary as these candles are individually wrapped by hand.
  • No herbs or essential oils are added as this may cause allergic reactions.


Be sure to have all supplies you need ready to use when you start. Since we are working with an open flame, you must be mindful at all times during the procedure. Check your ear cone candles before using, breakage or damage to the ear cone candle during handling may result in the candle not performing properly. Your comfort with the procedure is of utmost importance. Make sure you fully understand the procedure, and are comfortable with it. If you are apprehensive or afraid, or if you are have any doubts, do not proceed with the treatment.


  • It is not recommended that you candle your ears by yourself.
  • Completely cover hair with a large piece of aluminum foil, exposing the ear to be candled by cutting a small hole exact size of ear candles in aluminum foil to catch any dripping of wax or ash.
  • Place narrow end of candle into the ear.
    You may position the candle in the ear so there is a 45 degree angle. This allows the wax a place to deposit along the side of the candle. No angle or too much of an angle can cause wax to run inside the cone.
  • The candle is then pointing diagonally.
  • Light the candle before inserting it into the canal.
    Make sure there is a steady flame before inserting it into the ear.
    The flame propels the smoke down the candle
    and should never be “out” during the treatment.
  • Gently have the person insert the tip (bottom) of ear cone candle into their own ear canal, do not push the candle in too far, just enough to create a seal with the sides of the ear canal. The candle can be gently turned between your fingers during insertion as if you were holding a pen.
  • Check for escaping smoke at ear level and turn candle until a seal is formed.
    A good seal makes a better vacuum effect.
  • The flame will flicker and crackle like a fireplace as the wax is drawn up.
    After about 4 minutes you will notice white smoke twirl out the end;
    the pulling is starting!
  • Allow the candle to burn down to about 2-3 inches from the ear, whatever is most comfortable heat wise.
  • During the burning of the candle keep the burnt ash cut off so the candle keeps’ its drawl.
  • Gently remove candle and put out the flame in water.
  • Never blow out or snuff out candle while it is still in the ear.
  • Make yourself comfortable.
    It is suggested that you lie on your side with your head supported by a pillow.
  • Drink lots of water after the treatment.
    The candling seems to start a cleansing process and the water will help the body to quickly flush the toxins out.
    This is a detoxification.
  • Repeat the process again if you still feel blocked.
    Sometimes large wax accumulations can require repeated treatments.
  • Make yourself comfortable.
    It is suggested that you lie on your side with your head supported by a pillow.
  • Drink lots of water after the treatment.
    The candling seems to start a cleansing process and the water will help the body to quickly flush the toxins out. This is a detoxification.
  • Repeat the process again if you still feel blocked.
    Sometimes large wax accumulations can require repeated treatments.


  • Candle your own ears.
    You will have no control over the flame and this can be dangerous.
  • Candle anyone with tubes in their ears.
    This could cause the tubes to become blocked or the gentle suction could dislodge the tubes.
    once the Doctor has done this; no candling should be attempted until the tubes are out of the canal.
    Wait 6 months after the tubes are out of the canal before candling. This gives time for the eardrum tissue to heal.
  • Candle anyone with a recent punctured eardrum.
    Candling anyone with a punctured eardrum is risky; any smoke or liquid can go directly into the inner ear.
  • Candle ears that are draining.
    The body is already at work healing the ear.
    The draining from the ear is good and will relieve the pressure and pain.
  • Candle only one ear.
    Always do both ears as candling one ear will cause imbalance or dizziness.
  • Candle someone who has had recent ear or sinus surgery.
    Allow the body time to heal.
    Candling is gentle but still creates movement of debris and a certain dryness in the ear.

What to expect after an ear candling session …

After a ear candling session, if it is cold or windy, insert some cotton ball into the ear. Try not to get water in the ear for the next 24 hours. For a short time after an ear candling session, an individual may feel light-headed. Noises may seem to be much louder. Sinus drainage increases. A heightened sense of taste, smell and sight and improved hearing. For a day or two after an ear candling session an individual may experience warmth, or some itchiness in the ear canal. This can be easily relieved by simply putting a drop or two of olive oil in the ears.

Who should NOT have Ear Candling?
People who have ear tubes
Perforated/Artificial ear drums
Ear tumor/cancer
Ear Surgery
Any serious medical problems must be addressed & referred to a medical doctor.

If you are apprehensive or afraid, or if you are have any doubts, do not proceed with the treatment.

Supplies you will need to do ear cone candling treatment:
Ear cone candles, made of 100% bees wax and muslin unbleached cloth, Matches, Towel, Pie Plate, Scissors and Bowl/cup of water.


If you are a supplier or a practitioners of ear candling treatments and using The Kelowna Candle Factory Ear Cone Candles and buying bulk bags instead of prepackage 2 or 4 ones, we suggest you copy this information sheet and give to anyone purchasing or using ear cone candles at your place of business. Thank you also visit www.kelownacandlefactory.com (ear cone candle section for all of this information).

Additional information

Ear Candles
